[Re-sent] Show me some ART!

Show me some ART!

First And Foremost 

I wanted to lead off with some artwork (finally).

​Bellow are some of the cover options that will be available for my upcoming comic Eye for an Eye. These covers will be available in black and white as well as colored, but the colored versions wont be revealed until the Kickstarter campaign.

So far I’m loving the art for this project. There’s more covers to come so stay tuned for that.


Eye for an Eye 

- I’m still waiting for one more variant cover to come in but the internal pages are 100% penciled and inked, and 1/2 way colored and lettered. Should be completely done by end of year and available to the public to read (that’s you).

Tale of the Cape

- Page layouts are done and in the progress of being penciled and inked. Should have art to show next update!

Next project

- My next project will be a web comic to set up my up coming TCG, already have an artist interested. Info coming soon!


- Writing and Blogging resource page coming soon, if you ever wanted to make a living at writing or blogging these resources will be highly valuable and they’re absolutely


Keep an eye out for the next update to claim yours.

Tell me what you think -

Is this newsletter everything you wanted and more? Are you dying for more information on current and future projects? Then tell me about it! Let me know how I can make this experience something worth reading.

Thats all for today!