[Re-sent] Come see me

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Come see me

If you’re going to be in the Portland area this coming weekend you should pop in to Rose city comic con and come see us! We’ll have books and prints and raffles, oh my!

New Opportunities 

Like I said before, ’ll be offering new partnerships and promotions for exclusive deals just for my readers like the one below 👇 (this isn’t an example this is a real promotion) and if you’re interested in advertising with us please contact me for your chance to reach up to 40 thousand readers each week 😎

Admit it: You want to write a book

Great! That's what JUST WRITE YOUR DAMN BOOK ALREADY is for. It's a printable guidebook designed to help you turn off your brain and just get it done. From brainstorming to cover doodline and marketing, JWYDBA! is a fun and comprehensive workbook designed to get you from idea to vomit draft to full-fledged author. Oh, and it's affordable! Whether it's for you or your friend who won't shut up about their idea for a great sci-fi novel but won't seem to write it, get JUST WRITE YOUR DAMN BOOK ALREADY! because it's great and wonderful.

The Leading Edge

The last few weeks have been all about preparing for the convention, and boy-howdee do we have some books to sell!

Edge Above The Rest

I wanted to dedicate some space to some of my favorite things well in and week out. This weeks list includes:

Final Thoughts 

I can’t wait to share how the convention went, and I’ll be sharing some new projects soon!

Any interest in a writing comics course?

Let me know? Until next time my friends.