Great things for you šŸ˜Ž

And a quick announcement!

That special time of year is finally here!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and Iā€™d like to give thanks to all of you for making this year one Iā€™ll never forget. Itā€™s been a crazy ride and I would have nothing to show for it without each one of you so thank you!

For you

As a special thanks Iā€™ve compiled a few things for you. Some discounts and deals, some free digital books, and some exclusive offers. I hope you enjoy šŸ˜Š 

First off

Donā€™t miss out on your free bundle while itā€™s here! Itā€™s packed with an abundance of amazing stories and great art from some industry pros.

Next I have a great deal to offer you all

But thatā€™s not the only deals I have for you

If the money isnā€™t in your list, youā€™re doing it wrong. Learn how to do it right from my fave conversion copywriter.

Save $200 on The Email Edge and learn the most repeatable system to sell through email from this leading copywriter.

Do you feel like everyoneā€™s making money through emailā€¦ Except you? If so youā€™ve gotta check out The Email Edge.

Ready to finally start selling to your list? Learn how from a conversion copywriter in this packed 5-day training.

Save $200 on The Email Edge and learn the most repeatable system to sell through email from

The Email Edge. Gotta love the name. Get your 200 off by clicking below šŸ‘‡

Affiliate link

Last but not least

World BuildersThe newsletter to make you a smarter storyteller. Join 79,000+ writers, creators, and founders for free.

Iā€™ll leave you with some more art sneak peaks of my upcoming book šŸ˜

Happy Holidays everyone!