Finding my compas

New directions

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Where are we heading?

Edge Comics is starting to come into it’s own and blazing a trail towards a new business model. You can still expect the same great comics to be released from us on the regular but we have new exciting ventures to ad to our great titles.

Web Comics

League of Collectors is the first title we’ve released that will continue on not only in print but as a web comic. Along with some other titles that will be revealed later, Edge Comics will be creating a whole new division of web titles. All these titles will be available for free in black and white on our upcoming Substack. The colored versions of these series will be available on a subscription model on the same Substack. If you end up loving the experience so much that you want more, our Paetreon will have tiers available for earlier releases and behind the scenes material!

Creator Owned Titles

Edge Comics has a full slate of creator owned titles set to come out this year and next starting with The View of the Phoenix Trees that’s launching soon! If you have a book your looking to get published please keep us in mind as we are actively pursuing titles to publish. Just reach out to us as [email protected] and we can discus your book and how we can help. And don’t miss your chance to follow The View of the Phoenix Trees pre-launch page at 


Along with our books we are also offering multiple services within the comics publishing world. We offer full comic creation services that can help bring your book from script to reality! We work with over 100 different creators to bring you the exact creative team to meet your needs and budget.

Edge Comics also offers full Kickstarter story page creation to help optimize your Kickstarter and present your book in the best way possible. A great story page can be the difference of funding or not.

Coming soon we will be offering an Ultimate Comic Writing Online Course

If you are interested in any of these services or would like to discus them more please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can always respond to one of our emails or reach us at [email protected] 

Advertising Opportunities

Edge Comics has a plethora of advertising opportunities you can take advantage of to reach our amazing audience and share your products with them. You can trust us to help you achieve your sales goals just like 1440 Media has trusted us.

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