Fall of Fall

Fall of Fall

Fall is almost here and I couldn’t be happier.

Fall is my favorite time of the year, and I wanted to take a little time before it gets here to update you on what I’m doing and what I will be doing.

Rough Start

Last week I started fulfillment of my Eye for an Eye Kickstarter campaign. It was going great until I had some medical issues. Nothing serious but I aggravated a hiatal hernia and literally threw up every ounce of food and drink I had consumed for a full week. But after an E.R. visit and a few I.Vs I’m on the mend and getting back to fulfillment.

Looking forward to Fall

Here’s why I’m so excited for Fall:

Are you pumped for Fall?

  • What makes you excited for the upcoming months?

  • Are you ready for some football? (Would fantasy football content interest you at all?)

  • I hope to see you at Rose City 😎